Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where does the time go??

I really did plan on writing a new post each day just to get my thoughts of the day off my mind so i could rest better at night. I am one of those people that lay in bed and all the thoughts and things that happened for the day roam around in my head making it so I cant fall asleep, instead i just watch the clock. Anyways, that is not happening, I cant seem to just take 15 minutes to get here and do a post, so my Things to do list today will start with post to my blog. Anyways, lets see update, all 4 bedrooms are organized and rearranged. I baked the cookies I wanted and one computer is set up out of 2. My youngest Wonder Girl A turned 3 on Monday and she keeps asking for another birthday haha. I had to go to the dentist today and I have not had a cleaning in oh lets say 10 years, can you tell I hate the Dentist??? They numbed me up so that I would be comfortable and only did half my mouth, lets just say they numbed everything but the actually gums they were working on. I still felt everything on the gum line and I just got the feeling back in my face 10 hours later. I go back on the 25th for the other half and lets see how that half goes. So I got Zhu Zhu pets for my daughters for Christmas and they got them from others so now I have these pets on my hands and i thought putting them on eBay might be fun, that is what I did today. Now if I could just figure out what to do with my 3 year old that wont sleep. she is still up at midnight playing like its noon.. only good thing is on the weekends when i want to sleep in because no school so does she. Bad thing is I have no "Me" time where its just me and no one else. There seems to always be a child of some age awake with me. But I try not to complain too much someday they will be grown and I will be all alone every day. Have a good day and dont miss your regular check ups to the dentist, you dont want a deep cleaning like i had.

1 comment:

  1. You know I thought the Zhu Zhu Pets were going to be the big hit of Christmas and my daughter has not looked at them for more than 5 minutes again...
