Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Crossing those items off the list

Ok, well its another day and some of my things to do list are done. Yea! I actually finished both of the girls rooms re-arranging them and fitting a desk in the. These pictures are of one of the rooms, dont mind the spinning toddler in the picture. I had to figure out how to fit a desk and another dresser in this small space and I did it. Everything functional and ready to go for the girls to open their computer on Christmas morning. I was very proud of this accomplishment, but with a house full of kids and no school means I have not done anything else on my list... So tomorrow will be jam packed with shopping, picture appointment, baking and wrapping. I always look forward to school breaks so I dont have to drop and pick up 3 different school schedules, but after the first day, I remember what its like to have 7 kids in the house all day long. And mind you I have a 4 bedroom house with on living room, a great dane dog and 6 cats with 7 kids. It gets cramped and no matter how quiet it still loud. Plus the kids think they are on vacation so no bedtimes. I think the past few days I have had 3 hours of quiet time!! Ugg is it time for school to start up again??? Back to work now...

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for following me on Twitter! :)
    7 kids? Wowza! That doesn't leave much time for quiet! I only have one and it's always loud in my household! Great blog - very cute! :)
